Home Improvement Progress
Well, I have the donation dispatch number on my speed dial now and they have made two pick-ups this months to the tune of oh, twenty-five plus large shopping bags full of stuff. This is the first layer of many I need to make, but at least I have started and made somewhat of a dent. The ridding of clutter can be a very emotionally painful as well as a joyfully freeing process. I am really feeling the pain and the cost of all that I have accumulated and am trying to "stay in the feeling" a bit so I don't go out and repeat the pattern. At some point, "stuff" keeps one from living and enjoying life, and that is certainly what happened to me. My creativity chakra was so incredibly blocked, it would have taken more than a box of laxatives to get me moving again. I want to spend more time doing and less time gathering, more time creating and less time shopping. I want to have less and use what I have. It occurred to me though that as we attend art retreats and make things, our creations do have to go somewhere. Collecting other people's art is always fun, but I'm not so keen on displaying my own. A bit of a conundrum. Perhaps, as I spend more time on my craft, I'll improve and eventually be able to sell some of my work. That's the goal anyway. I'm curious - what do you do with your creations? Is it all about having an etsy shoppe these days? If you are a part-time hobbyist, do you price your wares to make money or just to get them out the door?
To assist me through the tedium of this massive decluttering job, I ordered this audio book. What a great read...er...listen! (And I immediately sold it on Amazon when I finished in order to keep the feng shui karma clear.) Audio books are so wonderful when you're sifting through piles of rubble. Anyway, I digress...here are a few nuggets I have learned about myself these past few weeks.
1. I do not like to unpack from art retreats. Case in point: have just now unpacked supply bags from Art & Soul two years ago.
2. I will never have to buy adhesive of any type as long as I live. My unborn daughter will have enough adhesive to last her lifetime too.
3. I should have bought stock in EK Success since I have more Jolee's stickers than I care to admit. (They were just so darn cute when they first came out, dang it!)
4. I have a freakish and twisted addiction to vintage Christmas decorations (including shiny brites, plastic reindeer, and anything small, cute, or sparkly.
5. I am a sentimental girl, a nice way of saying "hard-core pack-rat." Case in point: found a box filled with Snoopy pencils, fruit shaped erasers, Hello Kitty stationary, and a plastic Farrah Fawcett fan club membership card from the 1970's!
6. My love for paper and ephemera has existed since childhood. Case in point: As a child, every time I flew in an airplane, I kept the what-to-do-in-emergency folder AND the barf bag. I have a whole collection of these things. Why did I want these??? Turns out, one of the barf bags is from Pan Am and my husband (aviation nut) says it might be worth something. Go figure.
I am trying not to beat myself up over all the excess accumulation and waste of time, money, and energy. (This painting from this cool girl always makes me smile.) I am making a conscious decision to be more of a producer and less of a consumer, a lifestyle change that I know will bring more joy into my heart.
As you can see above, the hubby is making good progress on the floor. Notice the unkempt hair, unshaven stubble, and maniacal grin on his face. (Yes, he admits...he would NEVER do this again.) We are crazy. We are possessed. He with the floors and me with my art room. Personal hygiene is suffering, people. But, it's all for a good reason: Baby A. One last photo to leave you with: a basket of vintage millinery flowers, lo and behold, I had more than I thought I did which makes me hap, hap, happy.
ahh glad to hear ya friend!
the floors look great!
i love inside the black apple. we have bought allot of stuff from her. you need to post a current pic of you and you belly!
i bet you are super cute!
You sound like you are going through some serious nesting issues. One of my resulutions is to declutter but so far it hasn't happened, the kids are still on holidays and I am too busy cleaning up after them (and on the internet). Hopefuly when they go back next week.
Cheers Linda
(p.s the floors look great)
Hi Kimla,
I know what you mean! I just organized my creative space this weekend and I needed my sister to help or I never would have thrown anything away. She even told me I'm up a creek if I ever move because I have too much stuff LOL! Hubby was trying to organize and declutter this weekend as well. I guess we are still in that new year vibe. As for things I create - I keep and display some, give some away to friends and family, and sell some through Etsy.
Kimla, I'm glad to hear you're getting through the difficult task of decluttering! It's a tough job, but isn't it fun to uncover that old stuff you forgot you had?!! (I also find old Hello Kitty papers!) I had to laugh because I thought I was the only one that can't do the "suplly unpack thing"...my Silver BElla projects, supplies, etc. are ready to go for next year still! Good luck with the house and I hope you are feeling well!! xo natalea
Declutter-what is that?
I so need to follow suit!
The floor looks great...
Loving the wood floors. I so want some of those in my studio.
I LOVE this post! So honest..and Oh can I identify! My goodness. I sat here nodding my head.."yep..yep..yep" to every line! Geez. I reeeally really know what you are talking about!
I am the last gal to hand out suggestions! LOL! I have boxes and bags that I pass everyday, all day! not even a possibility of stopping and going through them. My brain starts to shut down. I can never seem to do any "personal" art. Which is all I dream of. Oh boy...this is a can of worms I am not ready to get into..LOL!
I just wanted to tell you how much I Love your creations, and style...and sooo look forward to seeing more! I KNOW there are many of us hoping for more Kimla creations! :)
Best Best Wishes!!!! I am still working on your package...as you can see ..that is an "issue" of mine! Soon soon soon!! I am pretty close to complete!
Happy 2008!!
xoxo Jenny
Wow! Where are you getting the energy? You are really getting the nest ready and it looks like Dad is definitely working hard. Floors are BEAUTIFUL!!! After 42 years of marriage this week I still don't have all the clutter cleared! I do need to do that soon as we are getting ready to change the basement to a rec room. Take care! Hugs Marylin
Kim...you have been a busy girl! I understand about unpacking the supplies....totally! I don't know when I unpacked Silver Bella... WHEN is that baby due? Jessi is right....show us your belly! Linda Richter in Houston!
ok, I am cracking up lauging out loud at this post (the part about saving everything, including the barf bags!) You are too funny. But, yes, it is SO TRUE. And good for you for seeing it. It is better to spend time creating than shopping, for sure. All of the STUFF will clog your brain and your life. I did the same thing you are doing when I was pregnant with both of my boys. Doesn't it feel great to get rid of it all? A very freeing feeling!
Good luck as you keep on digging through your treasures!
xo andrea
oh -i just have to say hello- im making a pot of tea do you want to share- singing and skipping-love jo
I know what you are sayin. I stuggle with these same issue. What to do with my artwork. Sell it give it away trash it? All of the above. I am too shy to sell it I think. I want to be more of a producer than a consumer. But I love buying artsy stuff and old stuff. See I need help too. Your wood floor are lovely. Congratulations on your soon to be born baby girl. How exciting!! Nest, Nest, Nest.
congrats on the cleaning! It is a pain isn't it?! I am in that same cleaning mode. I have a just turned 9 month old baby and one on the ways so I want things super clean :-) Love all your milinary flowers!!
Nesting, are we?? ;) This is SO EXACTLY what I did and went through when I was pregnant! And we just had the garage sale from the purge back in the fall (and the purge , mind you, was over two years ago!) I should have done what you did- donate everything! (Though we made enough money to pay for a new radiator and other fixes to our van!)
WE are SO much alike, we DO need to get together for lunch sometime!
I have thought about you often since Silver Bella! I just love your blog... very warm and cozy!
Take care...
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