Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
She Sold Bears???!!
I'm always fascinated with the various jobs and careers people have had. It's fascinating how life, opportunity, and circumstances take us from one interest and direction to another, sometimes very far from where we thought we would end up. In college, I changed my major five times before finally settling on psychology, probably because I had just run out of ideas and didn't want to take ten years to graduate. These are some of the jobs I have had in the past:
- Customer service representative at a bank
- Substitute teacher
- Educational Diagnostician
- Psychotherapist
- Jury Consultant
- School Counselor
- College Instructor
- Entrepreneur

Posted by
Kimla Kay
6:00 PM
Monday, December 15, 2008
Rome Wasn't Built In A Day
And our house wasn't remodeled in six months. Whew! Honestly, some days I just want to fall in a heap and cry, but I remember what my friend Cheryl says, "Just do the next thing." So that's what we do. For those of you who have been down the home repair road, I know you can feel our pain. Remodeling and moving are just plain stressful, even if the move is only 20 miles or so up the road. Instead of ripping off the band-aid in one fell swoop, we've been moving a car load here and a SUV load there, here a box, there a box, everywhere a box, box. Kinda makes a girl insane. And it's not like we're moving into a cool 200-year-old farmhouse or something. It's just a house. Eight or nine years old, but really uncared for and unloved for lots and lots of years. Jim has been doing 99% of the work himself, after he leaves his day job so, you know...time marches on. But, we're close and hopefully will be toasting the new year in our new, work-in-progress home.
Even though we'll be skipping the hardcore Christmas decorations this year, I was delighted when I packed (unpacked? can't remember) these vintage stockings. I've never seen one with two dogs and Frosty before. Sequins just make me happy. I know you know.Frosty's holding a miniature lantern.
Two dogs...unless they are supposed to be reindeer.
Silver and pink bells for, I imagine, some lucky little girl.
When I was home (my parent's house) for Thanksgiving, my mom dug up some of my old baby dolls that somehow, miraculously, survived a horrific flood that pretty much wiped out all of their belongings a few years back. The one on the left is a Madame Alexander and the one on the right was handmade by someone in Houston. Of course, you might recognize the one in the middle. She kind of looks like the Pillsbury Dough boy. We are having so much fun with her. I don't even need Christmas decorations this year. Having the Peanut Patty makes this the best Christmas ever. Here's wishing the same to you! Please stop by soon for a mini Christmas give-away. Fa la la la la.
Posted by
Kimla Kay
9:18 PM
Monday, December 8, 2008
Red Shed Holiday Party
I recently posted about one of my fave local shops here. Well, the Red Shed girls, Michelle, Valarie, and Michelle, have done it again. They hosted a Christmas Soiree last Friday evening that was warm, inviting, and filled with inspiration.
This vintage white cupboard went home with a happy customer.
Do you see that cute girl in the doorway? That's Joanna Lewis, a fellow Bella. It was such a bonus to meet her so serendepitiously. I had seen her name on other blogs before, but we had never met until tonight. I see from her blog that she has a booth at an antique mall. Hmmm...I think I see a road trip in my future.Look at this old Bingo spinner (?) filled with old baseballs.
You never know what you may find at The Red Shed, as the trio picks up vintage goods and good junk as they travel the globe.
Love the old cut velvet material on those couch cushions!
Here's beautiful Michelle holding the peanut patty. (Thank you, Michelle for holding the doodle while I shopped.)
This vintage sled also went to a good home.
Oh, how fun it would be to decorate with these angel wings, but alas, they were not for sale.
It was a great party. Be sure to check out the Red Shed and visit their blog here.
Posted by
Kimla Kay
12:59 PM