Saturday, March 1, 2008

3 Days Overdue...

and still no baby. I am quite the emotional ball of nerves these days. Well meaning friends and family are calling on a daily basis to check my status and it seems to be adding to my stress. Jim is taking me for eggplant parmigiana for lunch (and I don't even like eggplant). I have been reading all of your comments and just have been completely blown to the moon with all the love and good wishes and kind thoughts you have been sending my way. I am very much a shy/introverted person and have just been overwhelmed (in the best way possible) from all the love and support I feel from each of you. Thank you all so much!!!


Rose Garden Romantic said...

You poor thing! Being overdue is hard! I remember just waiting and waiting! I was a week and a half overdue with my second and it seems like forever, doesn't it? My first came on his due date exactly, which was so nice! Hang in there and best wishes for a quick and easy birth!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry that baby will be here before you know it. My son was three days late and the waiting goes on and on. Wish you the very best and an easy delivery.

Sugar Bear said...

Hang in there - she's gotta come out sometime!

Anonymous said...

Been thinking about you! Hang in there, she will be here before you know it! Lots of love and prayers! Carmen

Pink Rufflez said...

oh, I hope the baby comes very soon!

Monica said...

Hang in there girly!it will all be over before you know it and so worth the wait!! Can't wait to meet your new precious one:)
Big hugs!

Britt- Sparkled Vintage Charm said...

oh!! you poor thing!! :-( that sucks! I hope you have your little bundle of joy soon! I had to be induced early with my son because I had toximia bad,but I am worried about when I will go into labor with this new baby. Anyway,I will be thinking about you and your family :-)

Andrea Singarella said...

thinking of you and hoping you have happy news to share with us soon!
xoxo andrea

Flea Market Queen said...

Hopefully by now you have had your little pink bundle!
Keep us posted...