Scenes From A Nursery
Hello, Friends, Fellow Bloggers, and Artists! I'm still alive and pregnant, due to give birth any day now. Initially, my OB was going to induce me early next week (he'll be out of town the week of my actual due date), but that plan has changed. After doing some research on induction and the positive correlation with C-sections, we've decided to let Baby A choose her own birthday, that is, unless I gradually begin to dilate and show some progress in that area. It's been an interesting decision. There is no medical reason why I should be induced. Baby is doing fine. She's not too big. I'm doing fine. Part of me is very attracted to the idea of knowing when the big day will be and being able to rest the night before, arrive calmly at the hospital, etc. However, it's very important to us (for reasons I'll post about another time) that we avoid a C-section, so it looks like we are going to let things happen on their own schedule. For the last two days, she's been squirming and kicking like crazy. I feel like she's communicating with me and letting me know that she's pretty cramped in there and really wanting to busta' move and come out soon. Wishful thinking on my part perhaps.
Home improvement continues at a steady clip. We now have fluffy new carpet in two rooms and Jim is almost finished putting hardwood down in the family room. Thank you so much for all of the baby love and hardwood compliments. (I have passed your sweet comments on to one weary and exhausted husband.) Our motto now is: "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." My parents have come to help me clean the house and my mom made the bed skirt for the crib. The fabric has images of classic fairy tales, so I guess that is sort of my theme. Or, maybe my theme is no theme...too much pressure, you know?
I did give this art piece by Cheryl Kuhn a place of honor. I really love her work.This old creme colored hutch belonged to my Italian grandmother. It's pretty shabby and has been sitting in my garage, unused, for about nine years. The wood is warped and splintered, but yet I think it has a certain charm and the extra storage is useful. After putting out numerous bags full of stuff for FIVE consecutive weeks for donation pick-ups, I am really trying to utilize what I have instead of going out and buying something new.
Vintage animals and the Mouse Family are ready to welcome Baby A to her new environment. I cannot believe I am about to become a mom. It still hasn't sunk in yet.
And, I've got my girly, tactile-liscious Cake bag ready for diaper duty. A big THANKS to my Silver Bella buddy, Carmen for encouraging me to keep this over-the-top purchase. I do love it and this bag will have its own special place in the purse timeline of life.
Well, folks, the tummy is tight as a tic and the nest is full of twigs. I'll let you know when the stork arrives!
o my gosh you sound like you are all ready!! your nursery is darling!!' love your bag too!
you'll be a hot mama!
maybe she'll make her entrance tomorrow!
a valentine baby!
good luck, relax your going to do great!
HI Kimla! Thanks for your sweet comments. I check in to your blog every few days, since I know you're close, just to see if you've "popped" yet! I struggled also with the decision of whether to induce. I was so uncomfortable at the end, I really was about to lose my mind, and Noah was a big baby (9 1/2 lbs!), so for my sanity, we decided to induce one week early. Well, the little guy decided to come the day before the induction day! So, those babies know what they're doing- trust them!
You'll be in my thoughts for a safe delivery!
The nursery looks so cute!! And, ooh, that's the bag I wanted! Unfortunately, it wasn't big enough for the load I haul around these day...but it sure is pretty!
Good for you for not being induced....she'll come when it's time! Sam was 9 1/2 lbs and came on his due date. I celebrated when I went into labor, as I couldn't imagine toting him around for another day!!
Wishing you a quick and easy delivery my friend!
xo andrea
Oh my, how exciting...sooo soon. I am dying over that bag eeek!! I want it soo bad. Good on you that you kept it. It will be used I am sure. Your nursery is sooo sweet. I can't believe we didn't meet at Silver Bella either. Well, maybe after you have the baby, someday we can try to get together.
Take care and good luck you will do great.
Everything looks fabulous, Kimla!! You must be getting sooooo excited:) Can't wait for your little one to make her grand entrance into the world!!!!
Quick and safe delivery thoughts coming your way, dear.
Hey Girlie! So glad to hear you are doing well! Sounds like ya'll are ready to pop! :) The nursery is beautiful, love the little sheep! And the Cake Bag is gorgeous, glad to be a "bad" influence on you, hey mommies need pretty things! Take care of yourself and keep me posted when you can! Wish we lived closer! Best wishes and Prayers, Carmen
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